Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the birthday shit.

anytime things are running smoothly, and mr. shit and i are so happy we should be running slow motion through a field of wildflowers with a gentle breeze in our hair, his parents have to go and fuck it up; from wildflowers to knives through pig hearts lying on your pillow.

yesterday was mr. shit's birthday, and we were both excited about it because his aunt so graciously gave him two train tickets to a very fun city because she just wanted for us to have fun, and have fun we did! it was so enjoyable being able to spend the day together in a city we both love, doing things we both love, eating food we both love. once we got home, i had a present for mr. shit as well as a cheesecake he didn't know i made for him the day before, but (insert debbie downer "wah wah wah" music), the fun couldn't last. i got the mail on our way in and there were no cards from either of his parents, he checked the answering machine which had no messages from his parents, and because he so desperately hoped they would remember him on his birthday, he looked at the caller ID to see if they'd called him, only to find they didn't.

this is where i want to seriously kick through walls... or kick his parent's faces. mr. shit is not without his flaws, but i know that he is a man most anyone would be proud to call their son. and i'm not just saying that, but people tell him the same thing often. the problem is that his parents are too wrapped up in their stupid shit and his welfare sister's stupid shit to even acknowledge the fact that they have a son. it makes my heart break for him, because i know that no matter how much love, attention, or respect you may receive from everyone else, it's never quite the same as receiving it from your own parents.

so i want to say thank you to mr. shit's miserable-sorry-excuse-for-a-human-being father for never, EVER acknowledging his son, be it a birthday, holiday, or just regular day, and for being consistent in his absenteeism. without such consistency we may get confused as to his real feelings. and i want to thank mr. shit's fat ass pathetic mother for always reminding everyone of how wonderful a mother she is, but not actually ever showing any real warmth, concern, or even borderline interest in her own son. can we say guilt complex? i believe we can. parents of mr. shit, you have once again been successful in taking a fun and carefree day and making it end with anger, feelings of abandonment, and overall sadness. my hat's off to you, you fucking idiots.