i'm not sure where exactly to start with this one, so i'll just go ahead and dive right in. fair enough? and there isn't even a picture for this post, so you know shit is real!
my childhood was anything but sunshine and rainbows - in fact, it wasn't much like a childhood at all - it was more like storm clouds and battle scars. BUT, even though my parents made constant mistakes and did things that will fuck with my brother and i for the rest of our lives, they still taught us a few important things that made us grown into members of society rather than becoming skid marks on the face of society. i think we all know people that, for whatever reason, are never held accountable or made responsible for anything; the people who have excuses for everything and reasons for nothing. it's like these people, with their woe is me stories and empty excuses, over time have the rest of us realize that we can't hold them to the same standards; that we can't expect anything from them unless they're willing to give it; and that we can't blame them for not meeting expectations or dropping the ball on nearly everything. why is that? why am i held to different standards? why is it that i am expected to follow rules, meet deadlines, and take the blame when the blame really is all mine?
there's someone in particular that i've lost a lot of respect for over the last few years in part because of the message she's sending out into the universe that basically says, "pity me. pity me for everything i can and can't control, even if these are things you yourself receive no pity for. don't expect me to be responsible or accomplish tasks set forth for me by my boss or the world in general. let me whine and say nothing, and when i fail, accept that i will throw someone else under the bus and take no credit for my repeated fuck ups." well, in a nutshell, that's the message i'm getting!
i'm on the verge of... well, homicide, maybe? i kid. but i'm not above screaming fuck over and over at the top of my lungs and telling the dirty secrets of lies and laziness just to get it off my chest. after all these words, my question is still the same, and it's probably one that will never be answered, but really, how do these people not only get by with this behavior, but make it so everyone expects and accepts it? why is there no equality in accountability?
Having dealt with these sort of people myself, Really all you can do is scream and pull out your hair because these sort of people don't think there is anything wrong with themselves to change and if you tell them so they get real defensive and angry and tell everyone how horrible you are and then you end up a villain for being the voice of reason. Best to just cut these people out.
Hey, Shit Got Real, I want to guest blog about thank you cards, invitations and fakery.
I have about a twenty minute stand-up routine I've been practicing on my brother. And since I don't have an audience, I need to vent somewhere!
Your "person" sounds like like a wenis.
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